Don’t Google , Bing or Yahoo… AiDO it !
AiDO made me alert of what all I may be suffering from , making me better informed when I visited my doctor .The Doctor was curious how I knew so much . I had taken my history ( the AiDO report ) to the doctor He appreciated it and I guess he used it himself to fine-tune his diagnosis.
AiDO uses experienced doctors’ knowledge, evidence based medicine and best medical practises taken from their years of practice treating such cases.
You will be surprised how AiDO is much better than just internet searching your problem.Its like seeing a `lotus `( = knowledge ) in the vast muck of complex , and sometimes risky , medical information floating on the internet `ocean`
Even Doctors use AiDO to find out what patient suffers from, get help in clinical decision and look at the best medical practices he can give to his patients.
How many questions answered by patients
How many problems diagnosed ( Doctors call it differential diagnosis )
How many screening questions asked
How many screening test suggested
How many patient hours spent on AiDO
How many feedback/stars
What patient says:Now I visit doctor when its really needed, thanks to AiDO. Saved me time, money , effort and safe from catching hospital infection during these risky `covid` times . Look forward to AiDO`s tele consult feature -`CURaiTE` too
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