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The Science Of Being Gay

There exists a scientific reason why one is a gay. Experiments on animals have shown that sex hormones affect the brain in four ways: -
1. Masculinization 2. Demasculinization 3. Feminizing 4. Defeminizing 
The human effects are intersexual feelings that occur suddenly as experiments of nature. Animal & human studies are both linked together & reflect that the brain affects the human thinking as bisexual, heterosexual, or homosexual. Not only hormonal effects of the brain, but even socializing patterns also stimulate the thought process. Hence a person can think he is either Gay, Bisexual, Straight, & can be programmed in the brain, through senses & is stored there after birth.

Homosexuality name was termed by Kertbeny in 1869 who discovered that at birth the brain is programmed with this sexual urge, both in males and females; surprisingly making them both mentally and physically unable to achieve climax. Kertbeny also stated that homosexuality is a sickness, rather than a normal & healthy phenomenon as is known today.

Infact, in some south Asian countries like Sumatra, Papua New Guinea, social intermixing of homosexuality is freely allowed in their society before marriage. After marriage they go into heterosexuality part of their lives.

We humans, prefer to be heterosexual rather than homosexual or bisexual. In our society, choosing sexual preferences is looked down upon, because homosexuals are, till now, not encouraged. Just as, after birth, native language is firmly embedded in the brain, by which our nears and dears communicate with us; sexuality is also embossed into the brain as per tradition.

A sexual status or orientation is completely different from sexual act. Sometimes there is a difference in sex orientation & body sex parts, eg. a male may be born with penis, but no scrotum, but will display full male body characteristics. Also, a heretosexual man can marry & live normally with a normal woman & vice versa.

The beginning of bisexuality should first of all be understood. It is during the process of birth formation in evolutionary biology, like that found in earthworms, snails, etc. which have dual sexuality. They are also called hermaphrodites. Certain forms of fishes are known to change their sex from male to female & vice versa, which is an amazing example of bisexuality. Even a species of lizard in the USA can also be both male and female by changing their sexes in a lifetime. The brain structures of these lizards can explain why bisexual feelings in humans come up.

In embryo development of mammals, characteristics of both male & female are present initially, but later on development of either one feature dominates over the other, hence a species becomes a male or a female. Hence, we can safely say that the Clitoris & the Penis are homologues of one another, having the same basic structure, but different developmental stages, & finally change for different functions. In the brain, it is possible to have both male as well as female feelings in some species, but one becomes more dominant than the other & hence evolves into males or females.

By 1970, it had become clear that hormone stimulated dual changes in the brain are no longer theoretical, but can be practically shown in brain cells. Some scientists also noticed different brain cell structures in male & female rats, which could be responsible for their sexes. Similarly, such cells in the human brain were also discovered in 1980, 

which showed different types of features in the same person. Hormonal interplay during development of the Embryo, which finally decides sexuality, was confirmed even in mice

In many studies. Monkeys however adapt their sexuality purely on social surroundings & do not depend so much on hormonal changes.

Intersexuality is also known as hermaphroditism which is a person having external features of both male & female. In many cases intersexuality is hidden while the external organs seem to be developed, but development of internal structures are incomplete or partially developed. Today it is believed a person is intersexual, even if sex organs are present which are however neither male or female sex organs in nature.

In female hermaphroditism, the embryo of a normal female is exposed to excess male hormone, which passes from the mother’s blood circulation. In such females, the clitoris becomes enlarged than normal. Studies have also confirmed that hormonal interplay during embryo formation & social factors finally lead to the status of a man.

In early days some women were given progesterone substitutes, believed to prevent miscarriage, unfortunately, the young girls developed masculinized sex organs, which was later surgically corrected. But during teenage the girls showed tomboyish behaviour initially, but later went back to lead normal married lives, So it appears that early effect of male hormone absorption was only temporary, or was too weak to show significant changes in the girls.

This disease, if left untreated, can start puberty even in children aged 18 months with masculine features. This is due to hormonal error & can even completely change clitoris into a small well-formed penis; only the testis is missing. The person when she grows up is brought up as a male & can even get married, but a child can be born by using IVF etc. Gynaememisis is a term to denote a person who may look like a lady, but has a penis. This can be corrected surgically if the person desires.

Whereas the adrenogenital syndrome is depicted as excess of masculinization, the opposite happens in androgen insensitivity syndrome to girls & woman whose sex organs 

are testicular but without sperm formation. They are unable to use male hormones both before & after birth. Before birth the growth of female parts is stopped by a hormone in the brain which further stops all masculinization. Although vagina is formed, monthly periods do not occur, nor does any ovary formation. Here the lady can even get married, but a child can only be born by using artificial means like surrogacy.

Less secretion of male hormone & reduced sensitivity towards it results in birth of child with underdeveloped external sex organs. This is Hermaphroditism. In sex determination, either one is a male or a female. If a hermaphrodite child grows up, the child either converts to a male or a female & it is up to society to decide & then the child will have to adapt itself with new types of games, dress, duties, friends, etc. Hence as life progresses, the male hermaphrodite is accepted into society & leads a peaceful normal life. Many now a days opt for surgical sex changes.

Here in western and even our society, acceptance of homosexuality is occasional whereas in other parts of the world like Sambian tribe of new Guinea, homosexuality is widely accepted as a way of life which all young adults have to go through. Hence, we need to change our outlook towards homosexuality. It is believed that different sexes change before birth in the brain itself, due to hormonal interplay, which continues after birth under society guidelines & social environment. Changes in the brain tissues may finally determine its sexuality due to different structures in the brain. This is true even of humans.



Compiled from various international research journals available at google scholar by D. Mukherjee having 38 years of pharmaceutical (Cardiac, Diabetic, Neurology, Pain & Inflammation products) experience with a Swiss Multinational Company NOVARTIS and edited by Dr Sandeep Ahlawat, MBBS